Do you know that Halloween is supposed to have some sad shades of mood in its celebration?
The purpose of this holiday used to be mainly for people to remember all those who passed away. It should have something similar to Mexican Día de Muertos celebration in its sense. However, nowadays the meaning of the holiday has shifted, and there is nothing horribly bad in this. Kids are gathering sweets and adults make insane parties with a lot of booze and costumes. Only for small part of people Halloween remained its sacred sense, for the majority it is forgotten.
And even all the evil forces, which are supposed to come out on the Halloween night are no longer frightening. All those zombies, vampires, ghosts, demons, skeletons, witches and other villains are not only a matter of fun, but they often become good images for tattoo designs.
There are plenty of them on the Internet and it’s easy to find any kind of stuff even jack-o’-lanterns are inked on people’s bodies. All such Halloween tattoos are mainly made in a neo-traditional or new school tattoo styles – it’s just fun to have one, and it doesn’t mean that a person having such tattoo worships the devil or something. There is absolutely nothing serious in these drawings: pumpkins are cartoonish, ghost are cute, and vampires are tiny in such tattoo designs.
Here we have some interesting and fresh tattoo we have found.

by Zombie Tattoo Shop