The most popular women Halloween costume is the costume of a witch. All the dark essence of their magic and unexplainable things they are believed to be able to do had always been the point of interest of common people. But unfortunately, people usually treat things they can’t comprehend not so pleasant. They simply try to protect themselves from all unexplainable by getting rid of it, and in this case, by exterminating as many witches as possible.
They were burned by hundreds, the were hunted and forbidden by the church, a lot of innocent suffered of this aggression caused by fear.Still they survived all those dark times. And be sure that every night there are candles burning in some room and the witchcraft is performed.
But all historical details, fair or unfair they were, are not the matter of a point if we are talking about witch tattoos. The image of girls of this, if we may say so, occupation is covered with intriguing mystery. And there is no definite appearance of witches. However, there are several general archetypes created by the fantasy of different artist. For example, witches are drawn as ugly green skinned goblin-like old ladies, making poisons and other magical stuff in their desolate huts. On the other hand, there is also a belief that witches are unbelievably attractive and can get any men they want. Actually, simply speaking, the pretty face used to be the reason to claim any woman a witch in the Middle Ages and burn it.But let’s come back to discussing witches in the tattoo art.
There is one special kind of witch depiction connected with Halloween. Such witches are all about good body shape, pointy hat and broom sticks which tey yse to fly. This particular describtion of witch had become unofficial symbol of the Halloween
So, to wind up the topic, there are a great compilation of witch tattoos under the text and as a bonus, some awesome witch tattoo designs, in case if you are thinking to make one. Check all these cool pictures and share them with friens on facebook and other socials.
Happy Halloween!
32 Marvelous Witch Tattoos for Halloween
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