For those who are not soo deeply into tattoo art, the body drawings described simply as a “lantern” would definitely seem rather weird and unusual, ’cause there is obviously nothing special about lanterns. However, those people for whom tattoos are way more than just fun, who take body marks as a beautiful art, treat lantern tattoos with a great respect. All because of the symbol’s meaning which they know well.
Lantern stands for the happiness, the beginning of the good days, the ending of any possible difficulties occurring lately, – all misfortune is about to end. However, the way the let’s say lamp looks like in a tattoo design is also a matter of the greatest importance. For instance, the pumpkin lantern tattoo symbolizes the protection from the dark forces, obsessions – this is a tattoo charm.
A gaslamp on a pillar means perseverance and purity of thoughts. Such tattoo is one of the best in attracting “bright” ideas and assisting to bring all their shine and sparkling into a life. It is connected with the history, when first lantern pillars appeared. The point is, that the period, when first lanterns were being assembled all over Paris, was called by contemporaries the “Shining age”.
And if there is a lantern held in a hand or simply a flashlight it means that the lantern tattoo’s owner is used not to depend on luck and to be the master of his or her own fate. People with such tattoos, as a rule, do not get desperate, but always believe in themselves.
And as with many other good symbols, lantern tattoo designs are also supposed to be created personally. The problem with borrowed lantern tattoo ideas is as follows – all the elements of the sketch had been created to form some definite meaning for the specific person and there is a great chance that such tattoo wouldn’t help, but would only make more harm.