This is not a surprise that lizard tattoos were popular since ancient times, as these animals appeared on our planet 100 million years ago, according to modern science. Often they are drawn as a letter “S” of different colors and sizes. In modern world lizard tattoos are one of the most common designs, one of the main explanations the phenomenon of their popularity is not only their age but also some arcane meanings.
Lizard tattoo designs usually are quite bright, as the reptile itself. Drawings are usually put on hip, shin, forearm, back and even neck. There are also some black and grey variants of tattoo ideas.
The symbolism of lizard has always meant dexterity and agility. Lizard tattoos were considered to bring their owners such traits as bravery, invincibility and dexterity. According to legends, a green lizard was associated with evil and demonic forces. That’s why such drawing of the lizard on a man’s body protected its owner from dark forces. Lizard tattoos used to be called demon-protectors.
Besides all listed before, in old times, lizards were considered to be the symbol of logic, wisdom and the one that can bring luck. It’s interesting, in Northern America lizard were a talisman that can summon rain, and in Southern America lizard was a symbol of sexuality. In Eastern Europe, in Kiev Rus lizard used to be a charm protecting from danger and misfortune. However, in Christianity lizards are connected with evil demons.
But how do modern people treat lizard tattoos?
Often, it stands for dexterity, agility and rebirth. This meaning is explained with reptile ability to regenerate. Modern people also make lizard tattoo with a special purpose. Lizards are believed to help people to find powers for self-development, self-realization, fighting different kinds of troubles.
Chameleon tattoos are one of the most popular species appearing in lizard tattoo ideas. This reptile is an embodiment of adaptation, uniqueness and extraordinary. The other popular reptile is varan. It is much bigger than other lizards and varan tattoo meanings are various. A drawing means patience, observance, strengths and cold blood.