A wolf tattoo is meant for intelligent, strong and for the people who know what their goals are. The animal we are talking about was always admired and respected. That’s why the flood of people eager to have wolf tattoos never ends.

by Halasz Matyas

Brian Povak
Being a born hunters wolfs the had been nearly main competitors in fighting for food to mankind, that’s why they associated with trickery, violence and evil. Glowing eyes in the darkness, a habit of hunting at night and communicating with a howl – all this factors connected wolfs with the underworld in people’s minds. However, men had always admired their bravery, strengths and amazing huntinhg skills.
Main wolf tattoos meanings are courage, bravery, loyalty, stamina and freedom. The man, who had chosen this tattoo design had to fit the wolf’s character – be independent, strong, be loyal to your family and friends, and selfasured. Wolf tattoo in any case do not fit weak, shy and light-headed people.

by Evgeny Mel

by Guzman Perez
Wolf tattoo usually goes on back, shoulder or chest. wolf tattoo ideas on other parts of the body are rather rare. A lot of people prefer monochrome picture. Tattoo design can be realistic, or cartoonish.

by Iliya Dementiev

by Andrey Lukovnikov
There are loads of wolf tattoo designs. Each of them has a unique meaning. For example, a howling wolf means lonelyness, and sometimes a betrail the person suffered.
There are different ways of depicting wolfs like:
– Growling wolf – agression, cruelty.
– Running wolf tattoo suggests danger, adrenaline, the need for speed and risk, need for travelling and adventures.
– Wolf in grasp means the desire to fight inner difficulties.
– A warewolf tattoo symbolizes the dark side of the person which the person wants to tame.
– A shewolf tattoo (especially drown near cubs) is a symbol of loyalty, support and care.
– A white wolf tattoo says that the tattoo ower is a strong, fearless, extraordinary person, the lonely warrior.
– A wolf in fire tattoo or red-eyed wolf is a symbol of witchcraft, wizardry meaning demons and dark forces.

by Paul Acker

by Jacob Pedersen
However, the choice of the wolf tattoo design should be done wisely, as any kind of tattoos ideas.