Sailors had always been associating this bird with dry land, home, relatives and friends as this bird lives along the seashore. A seagulls appearance on the ship had always been a good luck-bringing sign signaling of a soon coming back home. Seagull tattoo is essential accessory not only of sailors but also fishermen. Seagull tattoo design is usually made in colors and placed on a shoulder, chest, back or other parts of the body.

by yanina VILAND

by @ovtattoo

by Stephan Blomsterberg
The drawing of this bird for fishermen is also a sign of a good catch, successful fishing. As it is hard to imagine another such a skillful fish catcher as a seagull is. Fishermen believe that seagull tattoo also symbolizes a high efficiency and professionalism in their craft. For sailors, it serves a reminder of the home and life on the land, that there are loving people waiting for them.

by @fruduva

by @arthurbryuhovetskiy

by Becci Boo
The symbolism of the bird for prisoners is connected with the time wasted and regrets about it, and also with dreams about freedom and independence. Such meaning is commonly put into the drawing of the bird flying above the sea waves. A seagull on the shield background represents a strong friendship before imprisoning.

by @Josh Payne

by Atakan Ustol

by Brad Kohnlein
For other law-obedient and free citizens, seagull tattoo meaning is usually the love for freedom and adventures, self-assurance, vanity and a mobility in some way. There is absolutely no use to put any obstacle in front of people with seagull tattoo, they just despise taboos and easily overcome any kind of difficulties, respect their own opinions, beliefs, and principles, and always follow their aims rapidly as the wind.

by Enya Mahuta

by @sashakiseleva

by Matteo Gallo
Seagull tattoo can also tell of the high spiritual power, great capabilities of the tattoo owner’s fantasy and creative thinking, innocence intentions. Being the bird of passage seagull can be associated with cheating and faithlessness in marriage. Some people give the bird’s image the meaning of the outrageous revenge.


by Varo Tattooer
Nevertheless, there are a lot of good seagull tattoo meanings. The bird is an embodiment of innocence, youth, and the first love. It can be a reminder of good days and moments spent on the seashore for someone, the reminder of the strong feelings and emotions somehow connected with the sea. Such tattoo is also a choice of those, who are fond of traveling, of strong-willed, independent people.


by Emma Kerr

by Lioliya Dead-Crush
A seagull is a bird, which can easily accommodate to the life among mankind. These birds often settle close to houses, villages and towns, taking advantage of all benefits of such a neighborhood. That’s why, besides all other meanings, seagull tattoo can tell of high adaptational capabilities and great social skills.

by @mircoisdead

by Damian Thür

by Burak Dikel

by Hollie West

by Custom Ink Tattoo

by María Fernández

by Zapatista Dövme