True Japanese yakuza tattoo
Tattoos of Japanese mafia syndicate Yakuza – is the whole separate world of symbols, which is a distinguishing feature and one of the basic attributes of a criminal subculture of Japan. Drawings on men’s bodies used to tell about their courage and spread terror among all who saw them. Common citizens who weren’t members of the mafia didn’t have a right to have these symbols on their bodies as they were considered unworthy but there still was plenty of other drawings to be inked which are the basis of an astonishing variety of Japanese tattoos. In this article, we are going to dwell upon different varieties of Yakuza tattoo designs, their history, and their original meanings.
The content:
- Yakuza Tattoo. Meaning and Cultural Inheritance of Japan
- Symbolism and Origins of Yakuza Tattoos.
- The Most Common Images.
- Traditional Tattoo Symbols Nowadays.
- Yakuza Tattoo. Meaning and Cultural Inheritance of Japan

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by Christoffer Wøien

by Christoffer Wøien

by Caiopineiro

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The Eastern culture is commonly known to be meaningful through and through: nothing there is said, written or drawn for no reason. Tattoo art is not an exception. Any symbol was meant to gain its own meaning from the time immemorial and this trend remained today.
Yakuza tattoos were different. Some of them were called “Konjo” 根性(from Japanese – “willpower”) and “Gaman” 我慢 (Jap. – patience). This two categories appeared historically, as any new recruit was to be tested on the strength of will and patience by an irezumi master or his tenant. Thus, rookies body was covered with different drawings and ornaments which corresponded his occupation. The process, so sophisticated and long, that soon it got even more complex and meaningful to become the unique ritual. Then, gang members used to add new drawings occasionally through their whole lifetime, but it usually was not so long. Also, tattoos were made for their women and wives. Some of them – for aesthetical reasons and others served a special mark, which clarified her gang membership.

by DiaoZuo

by Gregory Whitehead

by Horioh Shangrila

by Horitsukikage1 Shad

by Hori Kashi

by Hori Kashi

by Hongdae Tattooer Takuya

by Franco Iasoni

by Evan Griffiths

by Easy Sacha

by DiaoZuo
Symbolism and Origins of Yakuza Tattoos.
The style of drawing of yakuza designs related with the culture of the country is rich with elements of Japanese painting style called “ukiyo-e” dated by the Edo period. The most frequently used images are:
Myths characters
Carps, koi fishes and other kinds of them
People wearing traditional masks
Religious related themes of Japanese Shintoism
Elements of Buddhism
Waves – as a good filling of empty spaces between symbols, as a tribute to the seafaring Japanese nation.

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by Jiyong Kim

by Kenji Shigehara

by Kojiichimaru

by Liam Taylor

by Luca Led

by Luca Ortis

by Marco Serio

by Mark Corliss

by Mark Corliss

Yakuza Tattoo Symbols
Kintarō (金太郎) – an image of a mythological character, a man of muscle fighting against gigantic carp. There are different variants of this image, but the meaning is always the same – the symbol of courage, bravery, fearlessness. Usually, such drawings are tattooed on bodies of those who are good at martial arts.

by horiyuki

by tnt_ink_studio

Kumonryū Shishin (九紋龍史進) – a Japanese and Chinese hero whose body is covered with tattoos. He wears Chinese clothes with Greek ornament. According to a legend, this character was already born with tattoos of nine dragons. In Yakuza world it means inborn fighting skills.

by Howoon Tattooer

by irezumi_horitora

by Taki Tsan


Chō jun (張順) – an image of a man with a knife between his teeth, he kind of resembles previous character. According to myths, he was an Amphibian man and incredibly good swimmer, he was said to be a remarkable pearl diver. This design is meant for clan members who have mastered melee and steel weapons.

by horiyuki

by geoff decrucq

by En a.k.a Horizaru

by unknown
Akugenta (悪源太) also known as Yoshihira, Heian or Minamoto, – quite a famous character. According to a legend, he was a son of the Emperor and a common woman. He was very fierce in combat and his image is made of the most violent members of Yakuza.

by kikupunk
Fudōmyō-ō (不動明王) – the mythological creature of Buddhism which served the treasure keeper. Often depicted with a sword in one hand and rope or net in another, he had an unchangeable grin. He was said to attack foes with his sword, which served the allusion to delusion and caught all unfaithful with his net to provoke righteous thoughts. Only those Yakuza members had this tattoo who were involved in contraband and drug traffic.

by dstone_ta2

by Horiokie


by Levi Walker

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by Arjarn Lone
Traditional Tattoo Symbols Nowadays.
Of course, the meaning of yakuza tattoos used to be a matter of the greatest importance, but nowadays it is almost completely lost. The traditional essence of these symbols remains due to a small community of disciples, not in Japan only, who respect it and reproduce it in artworks all over their bodies. Yakuza tattoo pictures can be easily found on the internet and all the designs on these pictures are chosen by faithful followers according to the traditions as mafia used to do long time ago with all the same images and characters. Thus, a man who feels a lack of ferocity picks a necessary symbol, and another tattoo owner wears his colors to gain agility and it would be absolutely different drawing.

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